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Tuesday 9 August 2011

tips how to prevent road accidents ...(BEL120)

soon came HARI RAYA PUASA in 2011.. many people will return to the village to be with loved ones .. 
This will make the blood-drenched streets .. that mean it's can be an accidents ..

to control it or avoid it from happening .. I have some tips for all .. :D

  • share vehicles with friends ..
  • public transport ..
  • leave home early ...
  • do not accelerate on the road ..  
so,be careful on the road .. always remember this tips to avoid it happen ... :)

Saturday 6 August 2011

tired ...(BEL120)

since come to college .. too much assigment to be done .. sometimes the work was performed in a hurry up ... given the level at one stage I almost despair ... but when he remembered the family in the village .. I started to gather spirit to do the job ... family is the spirit for me to stand .. especially my brothers and sisters .. I want to see them happy when I succeed ..!

wish ... (BEL120)

when i was a kid,i have a wish..i wish I stay away from the lunatic .. because I never have to stir the crazy old man.. he just wants to put me in his clothes ..!!!  I was playing in front of the center of my adoptive mother ... I made ​​the trauma ... Now i wish i can be happy always with my life .. =)

domo kun ...(BEL120)

Domo-kun first appeared in short stop-motion sketches in December 1998 to mark the 10th anniversary of NHK's satellite broadcasting. The name "Domo" was acquired during the second episode of his show in which a TV announcer said, "dōmo, konnichiwa" (どうも、こんにちは), which is a greeting meaning something along the lines of, "Well, hello there!", but which can also be interpreted as "Hello, Domo", and thus is a convenient pun (dajare). The kun suffix on "Domo-kun," the name used to describe the character in the Japanese versions, is a Japanese honorific often used with young males.

Domo, the main character, is described as "a strange creature that hatched from an egg ...
domo can only communicate by producing a low-pitched noise which sounds somewhat like his own name, but other characters appear to understand him ... Domo lives in an underground cave with Mr. Usaji ... 
Mr. Usaji is a wise old rabbit who has lived in a cave for decades, loves to watch television and drink astringent green tea.Mr. Usaji is not into any "new" materials, and does not own a telephone In terms of fashion, Mr. Usaji focuses on materials instead of shapes. Mr. Usaji's favorite food is carrots and his least favorite food is "something that is meaningless.

love .... (BEL120)

This time I want to talk about love ... haha .. but I have not a few know about love ... this love .. sweet like chocolate ... but if I fight and not understanding .. so bitter, tasteless, sour .. and when happy with your spouse, we are so blind .. family and religious prohibitions are not we ignore .. holds better if we love God .. loving couple .. but also good friends until thrift ...:)

 sweet ...!!

I am fat :'( ... (BEL 120)

I am just getting fat or always fat ...?? I hope the month of fasting, I can lose weight .. but,how???
  • Eat 5-7 small meals instead of three large meals. This will not only control the passions of nutrition and energy but also to ensure you continue throughout the day. 
  • Know your daily calorie meet their needs. Many people do not recognize the needs of their daily calories. But if you do not know where to control the amount of eating!!
  • Avoid calories from beverages. This is the tip of the most easy to lose weight. With just replace sugary drinks like ice tea, milo, soft drinks and other sugar-free water, you can reduce about 10 kg per year ...
  • Mineral Water. Water does not contain any calories and not gain weight for the long term. But avoid excessive salt intake because it will increase your body's water retention.
  • Do not eat fruits with excess. Although fruits contain vitamins and minerals, it also contains calories (sugar) that can be fattening. .... BUT i like it ..:(
  • Control your appetite! The only way to control appetite is to ensure that it does not have a chance to flower. If appetite is coming, then it is too late ...
  • Ensure sufficient quantities of protein intake. As a guide make sure you take a 2-2.5g per kg of your weight. Also remember, the protein more filling than carbohydrates... 

telematch ......(BEL120)

time I was little until now .. I really like the game telematch .. it is different from other sports because it covers all aspects .. but I never know the origin of this Games .. so I'm search on google about this games ..

     Telematch was the name of a German television show broadcast during the 1970s till 1979 and based on its French counterpart Intervilles. It first consisted of a match between teams from two German
towns (but the last matches were between five towns). The match was composed of several games. For each game the participants would typically dress up in costume. Often the costumes were elaborate and designed to increase the challenge of the game by making movement awkward. Games were played against the clock, or as a race.

tooth fairy ... (BEL 120)

Now .. I was watching the Tooth fairy story starring THE ROCK! haha ... suddenly I wonder .. WHAT IS TOOTH FAIRY ...?

 = The tooth fairy is a legendary fairy who gives a child money or a gift in exchange for a baby tooth (also known as a deciduous or milk tooth) that has fallen out. Children typically place the tooth under their pillow at night. The fairy is said to take the tooth from under the pillow and replace it with money once they have fallen asleep .. that all I know about the tooth fairy ... =D

effects of wearing high heels ... (BEL120)

wear high heels make you seem high, charming and other ... BUT the effects of wearing the high heels , IS ..........?

  1. effect the opportunities to get a child ..
  2. causes hair loss ..
  3. High shoes size 2.5 / 3 inch can affect internal organs and fertility of women ..
  4. lead to menstrual disorders and headaches ..  
  5. causes the neck, knees, joints, spine, and shoulders become sore ..

    Friday 5 August 2011

    comment of this dress ... (BEL 120)

    This is evening dress to attend a ceremony ... 
    designer so daring to using this pattern ...
    graced with a simple chain and a small purse and cute .. :D
    if  malaysian ladies wear this .. it most beautiful if wear it with short cardigan ...